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Remote Control Applications LogMeIn

Corporate IT staff, technology consultants and traveling users increasingly are demanding smaller, more portable devices that provide powerful, secure and easy-to-use remote connectivity capabilities. LogMeIn Ignition not only provides an outstanding interface for connecting to Windows clients, Windows servers and Macs running LogMein, but provides simple connectivity to Adobe Flash, too.

Reliable, secure and easy-to-use remote control applications are becoming a requirement for any modern-day road warrior. As portable devices increasingly become the norm, connecting back to mothership systems or remotely accessing critical servers is going to prove commonplace. It’s good to know LogMeIn, with its Ignition application, already has a proven solution in place.

Have you encountered or used LogMeIn Ignition for iPad? If so, what do you think? Rate your experience and compare the results to what other TechRepublic members think. Give your own personal review in the TechRepublic Community Forums or let us know if you think we left anything out in our review.

Download User Guide LogMeIn here.pdf

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